NAME: Reflect the process of the pandemic in your country to your  creative story!

EXPLANATION:  We will  try to explain psychological, social, cultural,historical and economic etc.  İmpacts of the pandemic on our country with stories created by each partner country.In this way, we will work in cooperation with  European students and teachers.

SUBJECTS: Art, Comparative Curriculum, Technology  and Design, Foreign Language,History  and Geography.

USED TOOLS: E-mail,forum, other software(Powerpoint, video,drawings,voice records ,pictures,photos etc.),twinspace,Project diary,chat, especially web 2.0 tools(storybird ,story jumper etc.)

GOAL:  With this Project, we aim to develop students’ thinking and imagination .Students will share new ideas and improve their foreign language skills.They ‘ll be more sensitive to needs and problems of the society.

EXPECTED RESULT: We aim to write a  creative  story about the pandemic and publish it in any web 2.0 tools.


1)      22th March-1st SApril 2021

Intoducing students,teachers,schools and cities

Preparation a logo or school board or digital school board via linoit web2.0 tool

Drawing a Picture  reflecting this etwinning Project

2)        2nd-  25th April 2021

Preparing first chapter of the story and choosing a topic(every group will write one pageand another  one will continue to add the page of the previous group.Topic will be chosen by a survey.)

Pretest  for  the  Project and results (via jet survey or google forms)

Creating the title and the cover of the story.A title will be chosen after the first chapter is completed.)

Drawing a Picture reflecting the emergence of the  pandemic   (each school will draw a Picture and  the best two pictures will  be chosen by all participants for every chapter)  

3)       26th April -9th  May 2021

Preparing  the second chapter of the story

Drawing a Picture reflecting the course of the pandemic

 Works  for E-TWINNING DAY  in cooperation

4)       10th-22nd May 2021

Preparing  the last chapter of the story

Drawing a Picture reflecting  the end of the pandemic and social changes

5)        23rd May-4th June 2021

Voicing  the story by students (in storyjumper and with collaborative work.Each teacher will work with a student from another school)

Choosing  the best  dedication statement  for e-book

Finishing   it  in storyjumper and sharing its link

6)       5th- 9th June 2021

Final product (ıntroduction and example pages  of e-book)

Final tests  for  the Project and results (via jet survey or google forms)

Evaluation of the Project according to the results of the surveys

A farewell  speech    by all participants via a Video.

Preparing mind-mapping tool to show  all the work in the project.

Preparing  Certificate of attendance for students via canva


There may be other topics in the story (love, friendship etc).Characters can be real or fictional. It will be a story of at least 15 pages. We hope to have a happy ending via this story.



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I thank all the participants.I and my students worked successfully and diligently in cooperation with you as part of an educational E-Twinni...